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34 - Flagship 1 Task

In chapter 21 - Training we installed Kybereo and Kali enviroments on Virtualbox. Our next task is to start these environments and make few changes in the settings so that the environment will work together. To prevent mishap, we will modify the settings so that the environment will be closed and not connected to the internet. For example, if you are carrying out penetration testing, you should use a closed environment (For example, we can shoot only in the shooting range, not everywhere).


Virtual machine IP adress Netmask Gateway

Setting up Kybereo

Kybereo is ready made image, so there is nothing to do. Only start the machine and everything will work automatically. Usernames and passwords can be found on page 23 - Flagship 1 Task.

  1. Start Kybereo virtual machine (mouse right button on virtual machine, select start and normal start)

Setting up Kali network setting

Because we are using public image, we need to configure Kali network settings.

  1. Click mouse right click on Kali virtual machine and select settings (Figure 01.)
  2. Go to Network settings and change Attached to Internal Network (Figure 02.)
    • If you want to use public internet with Kali, you need to change here NAT or Bridged mode (in this part we are adding a fixed IP address, so if you want to use the internet, you need to delete these IP settings)
  3. Start Kali virtual machine (mouse right click on virtual machine, select start and normal start)
  4. Log in Kali username: kali and password: kali (top edge notes can be closed X button)
  5. Click start menu (left top corner) and search "Advanced Network Setting" (Figure 03.)
  6. Select "Wired Connection 1" and click edit button (bearing/cogwheel button bottom left)
  7. Change method to manual and add IP address, Netmaks and Gateway. Click save. Addresses can be found at the top of this page (Figure 04.)
  8. Check that Wired connection 1 is active by selecting it (Figure 05. Right top corner)

Without name server www address will not work, so we need to add manually to Kali settings

  1. Start terminal emulator on start menu top left corner
  2. Write command: sudo nano /etc/hosts (it will ask root password, write password so we can edit this file)
  3. Add line and save CTRL+s. Exit on nano CTRL+x (Figure 06.)


By default Kali is using US keyboard layout. This can be changed on keyboard settings (Kali start menu - Keyboard and there the layout tab). Remember to remove the cross off the "Use system defaults". After that you can add any keyboard layout that you want to use. Remember also to determine which of the languages is preferred.

Figures: Setting up Kali
Figure 01. Kali settings menu
Figure 02. Change network type to Internal Network
Figure 03. Kali Advanced Network Settings
Figure 04. Change methot to manual and add Kali IP address, Netmask, Gateway
Figure 05. Check that Wired connection 1 is active by selecting it
Figure 06. Edit hosts file and add line

Testing connection

Remember that both virtual machines must be online when you are using the test environment.

  1. Start web browser on Kali and open address
  2. Accept risk by clicking Advanced button and then Accept the Risk and Continue (Figure 01, and 02.)
  3. If everything went right, you should see Kybereo web page. Enviroment is ready to forensics (Figure 03.)

It's also recommended that you should make ping tests on both machines. This helps to find out if there is some network problems example.

  1. Start terminal (Kali or Kybereo) and try command ip a. This will show IP address what it is using
  2. Start terminal (Kali or Kybereo) and try command ping -c 2 This will make two ping request to selected IP address (try and and also (Figure 04.)
Figures: Testing connection
Figure 01. Click Advanced
Figure 02. Accept Risk and Continue
Figure 03. Kybereo web site
Figure 04. IP and Ping commands

Main problems and solutions

If you are having some problems, please send e-mail to address and attach the screenshot. We are updating this Frequently asked question list as problems occur.